This is How You Can lower lipoprotein(a) Naturally

This is How You Can Lower Lipoprotein(a) Naturally


It is very important to lower lipoprotein(a) naturally to get get your cholesterol levels healthy. This is because lp(a) cholesterol [lipoprotein(a)] is the real risk factor for heart disease compared to LDL cholesterol. High cholesterol, especially lp(a) cholesterol [lipoprotein(a) is one of the major causes of heart attacks and coronary heart diseases, and some foods may help you eliminate it naturally.

Consequences of lp(a) levels extremely high

When the lp(a) cholesterol is accumulated in high levels, the arteries become narrow causing restriction in blood flow. Reducing the intake of fatty food in the diet does not help manage cholesterol levels. This is because Lp(a) cholesterol is the real risk factor and not ldl cholesterol. Research shows that eating saturated fats does not increase Lipoprotein(a) [lp(a)] levels. Unhealthy eating habits are a major factor determining cholesterol levels
in a human body including lp(a) levels. Eating foods deficient in nutrients required to keep arteries healthy and strong or having habits that deplete the nutrients in the body is a major factor determining cholesterol levels in the body. Thus to maintain cholesterol levels in normal range you need to lower lipoprotein(a) naturally.

Managing high Lipoprotein(a) Naturally

To manage LDL and lipoprotein(a) levels one has to increase intake of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Foods we eat should help keeping our blood vessels strong and keep metabolic activity healthy. Selecting such foods keeps our lp(a) cholesterol in check. If the nutrients are not obtained in sufficient quantity through food then we may have to supplement them to maintain the balance.

Foods to lower lipoprotein(a) naturally

For people with heart disease, dietary control is imperative to keep their cholesterol levels( LDL as well as lp(a) cholesterol] in check, apart from timely medications. Some super food that can naturally help cut down cholesterol and keep it in check, are:

  1. Foods Rich in Vitamin C & Minerals
  2. Foods Rich in Omega-3;
  3. Foods Rich in Niacin & Lysine

These foods help you lower lipoprotein(a) naturally. One has to to take a combination of these foods so that you get nutrients that can promote collagen synthesis and prevent arteries from getting damaged. All these nutrients work synergistically to keep you healthy. Keeping lp(a) cholesterol healthy automatically keeps LDL, HDL, triglycerides in healthy condition. No other method is better than lowering lipoprotein(a)



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