Eating More Calories Make Me Gain Weight Easily

What are the Reasons for Gain Weight Easily

Eating More Calories from Gian Weight Foods Make Me Gain Weight Easily

Eating More Calories Make Me Gain Weight Easily It is common knowledge that you gain weight when you regularly eat more calories than you usually burn through normal body functions. As a precautionary measure you may do physical exercise regularly in order to prevent putting on more weight. Yes’ it is true that gaining weight is eating more calories and burning less energy through physical inactivity. Obesity is one of the risk factors for heart disease. The vast majority of American are obese, and obesity is a growing problem in children. More and more Indians are also becoming obese by eating fast food.

Being overweight has several health problems:

Obesity is a modifiable risk factor for heart disease, the other being smoking cigarette, drinking alcohol and physical inactivity. To reduce weight there are several supplements available which you can use to reduce weight and reduce your risk of heart disease. These are the health problems associated with obesity:
  • It may raise your blood pressure;
  • It may increase your risk of heart disease and stroke;
  • It may disturb your thyroid function;
  • It may make you diabetic.
  • Your hormonal balance may get disturbed.

What are the reasons for gaining weight?

  • What you eat is most important?  If you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, then your health will remain good and you will not gain more weight.
  • A good nutritious food will keep your body weight under control and free from diseases.
  • If you are eating junk food, drinking sweetened drinks like Pepsi and cola, then you are providing more calories to your body. Then you are bound to gain weight.  Your health also deteriorates. Your risk for heart disease increases. You may have sugar problem. You may suffer from thyroid problem.  The unhealthy diet you eat leads to weight gain and make you obese.
  • If you have unhealthy habits like smoking cigarette or consuming alcohol, then your risk for heart disease increases further. These habits also contribute to obesity. Therefore you should try to quit smoking and drinking.
  • Eating fast foods and drinking sweetened beverages provides more calories to your body, depletes certain vitamins and minerals.  Your immunity to fight diseases decreases. The deficiency of certain nutrients in the diet causes your blood pressure to increase or may cause diabetes, heart disease or thyroid problem. This in turn make you gain weight.

How calories matter in being obese?

All the food (carbs, fats and proteins) that you eat is digested and broken down to glycogen and further to a simplest form called Acetyl coenzyme A. Some Acetyl Coenzyme A is used to make other nutrients that the body needs like cholesterol, bile acid, prostaglandins, vitamin D3, hormones and so on. The Excess amount is converted back to fatty acids glycerides and stored in adipose tissue and is used in emergency when required.

This is what happens to the food we eat:

  eating more leads to weight gain So it obvious that more the calories we eat, more the fat deposition in the body. If your weight is increasing, then it is an indication that you are eating more calories than required. It is time to burn the extra calories by way of exercise or by taking fat burn supplements.

Does exercise result in weight gain?

Exercise is the best way to keep your body fit and healthy. It helps balancing your sugar levels, which help to prevent diabetes and heart disease. It is claimed that too much exercise can cause your body to store more fat because it increases your cortisol level, which can promote fat storage. Exercise combined with good nutritious food well help having a lean body.  You should test for micro nutrient deficiency and take necessary supplements so that you can keep thyroid in healthy condition. Taking a daily dose of vitamin c will increase your body immunity and keeps your cholesterol levels in normal levels.

Which diet is good to prevent weight gain?

Tips to put on less weight.
  • Diet is very important in gaining weight or losing weight. It is our habits of eating which makes us gain weight.
  • Eating frequently causes weight gain. You should eat only two meals every day and in between have fruits once or twice. But we keep on snacking frequently.  The extra food that you put in the body gets stored in the form of fat leading to obesity. Is there any fun eating more food, more calories, and then taking pills to burn fat.
  • Drinking sugary soft drinks while taking food is another big reason for your putting on more weight. Each serving of soft drink like Pepsi or Coca Kola contains 10 to 12 gms of sugar. Sugar provides the maximum no of calories. Drinking plain water or green tea is advisable while taking food.
  • There are a number of diet plans for weight loss. Some of the most popular are Atkins diet, keto diet, mediterrian diet, elimination diet, alkaline diet. Alkaline diet is better as it helps your body to maintain alkaline p H.
  • There are few fat burner supplement which you can use to increase your metabolism, suppress appetite or burn extra fat.  These fat burner pills are not necessary if you eat the right way.

Does hormonal imbalance cause weight gain?

  • Weight gain can also be due to a malfunctioning endocrine system. When you have a hormonal imbalance, body functions can be unbalanced, and for many people, that can lead to unwanted weight gain.
  • For women, one of the most common hormonal imbalance conditions is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which can feature symptoms such as irregular periods, trouble getting pregnant, excess hair growth, and weight gain. The cause of PCOS is unknown, but its symptoms are due to elevated levels of hormones such as testosterone and insulin.
  • The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone which regulates the metabolic rate. Without sufficient thyroid hormone, weight gain goes up as metabolism goes down. The condition occurs most frequently in older women, although it can occur in men and women of all ages.

Does dietary deficiency lead to weight gain?

Increase in insulin levels, under production of thyroid hormone, impaired metabolism are mainly due to dietary deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals. Deficiency of certain micronutrients could also lead to weight gain. Dietary deficiencies also increase your LDL cholesterol and Lp (a) cholesterol levels. These deficiency  symptoms are mostly seen old age. If you are above 50+ age and are obese and are trying to cut on some weight you should also consider about normalizing your cholesterol levels / lipoprotein(a) levels along with weight loss supplements. Lipoproetin (a) levels can be easily normalized with vitamin c lysine proline supplements.


Reducing the calorie intake, exercise and eating nutritious food rich in micronutrients is the key to control weight gain. Taking the help of different diet plans or weight loss pills is the other alternative lose weight.

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