5 best yoga poses for beginners

5 Best Yoga Poses for beginners to improve flexibility



Yoga poses for beginners are also called as asana’s for beginners. An asana is a body posture, originally and still a general term for a sitting meditation pose,[1] and later extended in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. 

Asanas were claimed to provide both spiritual and physical benefits in medieval hatha yoga texts. More recently, studies have provided evidence that they improve flexibility, strength, and balance; to reduce stress and conditions related to it; and specifically to alleviate some diseases such as asthma and diabetes.

If you are new to yoga, start gently by doing more gentle poses like the child’s pose or the cat-cow stretch until your body gets used to holding specific postures for more extended periods.

Yoga exercises to reduce risk of heart disease: The value of exercise for fitness is very essential. Sedentary lifestyle is one of the risk factors of heart disease. It is a controllable risk factor. There are various types of exercises good for heart health. Yoga is gaining popularity and is highly recommended as an exercise option to improve heart health.

In this guide we have identified a few yoga poses for everyone to do everyday at home. These are basic yoga poses suitable for those new to yoga.

However, the five best yoga poses which are easy yoga poses that will help keep your heart healthy include:

Best Yoga Poses For Beginners


1) Trikonasana or Triangle pose-Best Yoga Poses for beginners

best yoga poses for beginners improve flexibility

It is a powerful pose, as it strengthens the whole body from the inside out. This will tighten up your oblique muscles, which are responsible for maintaining healthy blood vessels. Thus it helps in reducing high blood pressure, heart diseases, etc. For beginners it is good yoga pose.

How to do it?

In this stretch, your right leg is about 30 inches away from your left; keep both hands on either side of your ankle while looking at your right hand. This pose is an excellent way to tone up the upper, lower, and side waist muscles.

2. Bharadvajr asana or the balancing stick pose

best yoga pose to begin with improve flexibility

This is a very useful pose that helps in reducing high blood pressure, heart problems, etc. This is one of the best yoga poses for beginners that keeps the spine intact and stretches all the muscles of both legs. Those beginning to start yoga can do this.

How to do it?

In this, the whole body weight rests on your left foot while stretching your right leg behind, keeping it straight, with the sole of your foot touching the mat. Now stretch both your arms above and look up at both hands.

3. Ardha Chakrasana or half wheel pose

yoga pose for beginners

Inversions such as headstands or handstands pressure significant arteries, including those of both hands and feet, providing an extra boost for heart health!

How to do it?
Sit on the mat while holding both of your feet with your hands; make sure you sit on one-fourth of your buttocks. Now stretch your back while lifting the trunk slowly and look upwards, thus keeping all vertebrates intact, thus creating a comfortable environment for healthy blood flow to all parts of the body.

Best Yoga Poses for beginners

4. Pawanmuktasana or wind relieving pose

starters yoga pose

Another best way to improve heart health through yoga is by practicing the wind-relieving pose, which has been practiced for thousands of years to help relax and release tension from your body. This is one of the best yoga poses for those starting yoga.

How to do it?
Lie flat on the mat with face down, now place both palms just beneath your chest, gently pushing downwards while keeping your elbows pressed against the sides. Now breathe slowly and deeply with your pelvic area raised by keeping both legs together, thus squeezing all internal organs with healthy blood flow to all parts of the body.

5. Gomukhasana or Cow face pose

best yoga pose

Gomukhasana or Cow face pose is a yoga posture that resembles the shape of a cow’s head. It stretches and strengthens the spine, shoulders, and thighs.

This beginner yoga pose called as “Cow face pose” is very effective in helping with diseases like heart conditions that are caused due to excess fat levels in the body.

How to do it?
Gomukhasana can be held for up to 30 seconds, followed by holding this pose for 10 seconds with deep breathing. Over time, one can increase the hold time to 1 minute. Beginners are advised to perform this pose five times per day, whereas advanced yogis can practice 12 rounds each morning and evening daily.

Note: Make sure that you avoid harsh sun rays after practicing yoga asanas, especially in the morning hours when they are too harsh on skin muscles, etc.

Conclusion: My views on best yoga poses for beginners

There are various yoga poses, like yoga poses for kids and couples, yoga for back pain, yoga for heart health etc. Here we have reviewed 5 best yoga poses for beginners to increase body flexibility. Regular yoga exercises helps your body to maintain cholesterol in healthy range.

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